How You Can Help
Donate Today
Please consider making a donation to Unity for Animals. We cannot continue our mission without your support.
Make A Recurring Donation
Recurring Bronze $2 Per Month
Recurring Silver $5 Per Month
Recurring Gold
$10 Per Month
Recurring Platinum
$20 Per Month
Recurring Rockstar
$50 Per Month
Send a Check
If you want to donate by check, send to
1664 Newton Oak Circle East
Memphis, TN, 38117
1664 Newton Oak Circle East
Memphis, TN, 38117
Make payable to Unity for Animals
How to Volunteer
Volunteers are always welcomed to come out and meet our animals. Whether its playing with our fosters, sharing our mission, or helping us clean and maintain our facility, we appreciate everything. To volunteer, please contact us.
Fabiola says: “I’ll teach you to cook if you come pick up poop!”
Donate Food & Supplies
Unity for Animals accepts donations of all kinds. Pet food, toys, treats, towels, and cleaning supplies are greatly appreciated. We appreciate any and everything.
Helpful Resources
If you would like to report animal cruelty, please contact 901-545-COPS
Spread The Word
Please share Unity for Animals on social media to help us continue unifying animals and humans together.